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Calendar Year Tips



Time to plant trees (fall and winter are best)! Use Root Stimulator or Bio-Tone Starter Plus at planting.


Established trees and shrubs that need to be moved should be transplanted while completely dormant. Dig carefully and hold soil in place around roots. Use Root Stimulator or Bio-Tone Plus for transplants.


Prune trees & apply Tree Kote to large cuts.


Water lawn and landscape every 2 weeks to protect from freeze damage.


Remove leaves from grass and beds.



Pre-Emergent to keep weed seeds from germinating. Use Fertilome Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food or Gallery for grassy and broadleaf weeds. Spray existing weeds with Fertilome Weed-Free Zone when temperatures are over 45° .


Feed fruit trees using Fertilome Tree & Shrub Fertilizer or Fruit & Citrus Fertilizer.


Be sure to water.


Apply Dormant Oil to young trees & fruit trees to prevent borers and scale infestations.


Time to prepare garden with soil amendments.


Cut back ornamental grasses, liriope, perennials, roses, shrubs, and ground covers as needed.



Apply the first application of Fertilome Green Maker fertilizer to lawn (every two months).


Plant Onions, Lettuce, Cabbage, Herbs etc.


Check sprinkler system to make sure it is in proper working order.


Add soil amendments to flowerbeds to prep beds for spring planting. Natural Guard Soil Activator is an excellent additive for gardens or lawns and may be applied at the time of fertilization. Use Tree and Shrub Insect Drench on all trees & shrubs to kill & prevent insects for one full year.


Apply Hi-Yield Grub Control to prevent grub damage.


Watch for late freezes.


Time to plant or replace shrubs.




Bermuda & St. Augustine sod becomes available.


Time to plant spring and summer annuals and perennials.


Time to fertilize trees and shrubs.


Apply Rose Care Systemic Fertilizer to roses.


Safe to plant spring herb and vegetable garden.


Apply Dr. Iron granules to Asian Jasmine.



Apply second round of Fertilome Green Maker fertilizer to lawns.


Use systemic fungicides & insecticides on roses, vines, shrubs & grasses.


Apply systemic fungicide to lawns, to prevent summer diseases.


Fertilize spring bedding plants with Fox Farm Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Super Bloom, or Osmacote.


Time to seed or overseed Bermuda grass.


Discard standing water to prevent mosquito infestation.


Spray any existing weeds with Fertilome Weedout, or Weed Free Zone for all types of grass. Use Atrizine on St. Augustine only. Use Fertilome with Crabgrass Killer on Bermuda only.


Apply pre-emergent for Crab grass & Khaki weeds.


Plant Perennials.



Top-dress beds with mulch to help with summer watering and weed prevention.


Fertilize Crape Myrtles and Hibiscus to promote longer bloom time.


Spray grassy weeds in flower beds with “Over-the-Top.”



Use Bloom Set on Tomatoes & Peppers to prevent shedding due to heat.


Give extra care & water to trees, shrubs & plants while weather is hot.


Plant summer color!


Fertilize existing Perennials.


Apply Fertilome Green Maker fertilizer and Pelletized Gypsum to lawns.


Watch for Spider Mites on Lantana and Aphids on Crape Myrtles. Spray with a miticide.



Fungus may cause yellowing & eventually death of turf grasses if not treated; use Bonide Infuse or Fertilome fungicide.


Watch for insects on trees & shrubs, when found treat them quickly.


Apply Grub Control.



Time to apply Pre-emergent and Winterizer Fertilizer. Use Fertilome Winterizer with Dimension or Fertilome Gallery.


Time to plant Mums.


Plant Fescue seed in late September through mid-November.


Final sod installation.



Plant pansies, dianthus, snapdragons, dusty miller, ornamental kale and cabbage.


Use Blood meal for pansies and Hollytone for cabbage and kale.


Plant trees & shrubs; be sure to use Root Stimulator or Bio-Tone Plus for transplants.


Contact us with any questions you have about winterizing ponds & fountains.


Change sprinkler schedule for winter watering.



Plant trees and shrubs!


Christmas Cactus and Poinsettias arrive!


Spray existing weed with Fertilome Weed Free Zone.



Water newly planted trees and shrubs.


After Christmas plant spring bulbs with Bone Meal.


Plant trees!


Prune trees & shrubs now through March.


Merry Christmas!

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