"Experience a Shopping Atmosphere Unlike Any Other..."
(325) 676-3616
We carry a large selection of trees suited for our area, including shade, ornamental, evergreen, fruit and pecan trees.
Fantex Ash
Cedar Elm
Lacebark Elm
Burr Oak
Chinquapin Oak
Live Oak
Red Oak
Chinese Pistache
35+’ Tall X 25+’ Wide
40+' Tall X 30' Wide
40' Tall
60+' Tall X 40+' Wide
70' Tall
60+' Tall X 40+' Wide
60+' Tall x 40+' Wide
40+' Tall x 20+' Wide
Burkett — Produces a large tasty paper shell pecan.
Choctaw — Produces high yields of large, high quality pecans.
Desirable — A large, well filled nut with a medium-thick shell. A steady producer. ​
Kiowa — Has good limb structure, attractive foliage, and large nuts.
Mohawk — Produces very large, thin shelled nuts of excellent quality.
Pawnee — Medium-large size, thin shelled pecan.
Western Schley — Fine quality pecans that are long, tapered, medium sized, and thin shelled.
Witchita — Produces quality, medium-sized nuts at an early age, and has good disease resistance.
Pink Dawn Chitalpa
Bubba Desert Willow
Burgundy Desert Willow
DD Blanchard Magnolia
Little Gem Magnolia
Cleveland Select Pear
K.V. Plum
Purple Smoke Tree
Oklahoma Redbud
Texas Redbud
Texas Mountain Laurel
Shoal Creek Vitex
Crape Myrtles
25+' Tall X 25+' Wide
25+' Tall X 25+' Wide
25+' Tall X 25+' Wide
40+' Tall X 25+' Wide
20+' Tall X 10+' Wide
30+' Tall
15+' Tall X 10+' Wide
12+' Tall X 10+' Wide
12+' Tall X 10+' Wide
10+' Tall X 10+' Wide
15+' Tall X 10+' Wide
Various Sizes (see Crape Myrtles)
Deodar Cedar
Eastern Red Cedar
Italian Cypress
Leyland Cypress
Afghan/Eldarica Pine
40+' tall X 20+' Wide
20+' Tall X 20+' Wide
40+' Tall X 3+' Wide
20+' Tall X 10+' Wide
35+' Tall X 10' Wide
Golden Delicious — Golden skin, crisp/sweet apples that mature Sept/Oct. It is a universal pollinator. 15+’X 15+’
Granny Smith — Green skin, crisp/sweet-tart apples that mature Oct/Nov. It is a pollinator. 12+’ X 10+’
Mollie’s Delicious — Very productive with large red blush apples ripen in late aug. 15+’ x 15+’
Red Delicious — Waxy red apples ripen in mid-late Aug. Fast grower. 15+’ X 15+’
June Elberta — Large, sweet freestone,ripens June-Aug. Needs pollinator. 15+’ X 15+’
July Elberta — Produces heavy large, sweet freestones that ripen July-Aug. 12+’ X 10+’
Loring — Best variety for canning and freezing of freestones, ripens July-Aug. 12+’ X 10+’
Kiefer — Medium-large and golden yellow, ripens Sept-Oct. 15+’ X 15+’
Moonglow — Very productive, ripens in August. Needs another pollinator but will pollinate other pear trees. 20+’ X 10+’
Orient — Beautiful, large, nearly round fruit with shiny yellow skin and red blush, ripens in Aug-Sept. 15+’ X 15+’
Bruce — Large, bright red fruit, has a sweet but mellow flavor, ripens in mid-late May. 15+’ X 15+’
Methley — Juicy and sweet, red flesh, mild flavor with a reddish-purple skin, ripens in Jun-July. 15+’ X 15+’
Santa Rosa — Juicy, tangy and flavorful, has a reddish-purple skin with amber-blush red flesh, ripens Jun-July. 15+’ X 12+’
Fuyu — Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripens Oct-Dec. 10+’ X 10+’
Wonderful — Large purple/red tangy fruit, ripens Oct-Nov. 15+’ X 15+’
Brown Turkey — Reddish-brown sweet, rich fruit ripens Aug-Nov. 10+’ X 10+’